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Autumn Walk - EYFS Home Learning Project and Acorn People

Autumn is a wonderful season filled with colours and last rays of sunshine. It's also my birthday this month so definitely my favourite season! :-) . As a part of my daughter's home learning we visited our local park and collected our autumn treasure. We drew a map of the route we have taken around the park. We collected some feathers, leaves, conkers, pine cones, sticks, acorns and sycamore seeds. We tried to mix and match different leaves and seeds. We talked about autumn and how trees are getting ready for winter. While working at the museum I was fascinated by people's imagination and creativity in the past. Natural materials were used to make incredible toys. Why don't we try to make a toy from something we found on our autumn walk?

Anna with big old oak tree. Have you ever tried tree hugging? In these difficult times of Covid-19 when we can't hug grandparents, I find it very therapeutic and calming...and children too!! You just need to stand next to the tree and wrap your arms around it. With your eyes open or closed, take several deep breaths and remain in the embrace for as long as it feels good for you. Feeling better? There are so many acorns....should we use them for our next project?

We decided to make little Acorn People and we made little home for them from old matchsticks box. We used some left over materials like old fabric (for the blanket), googly eyes, plasticine, string ,a cheerio, a clove (dummy) and tissue paper. We created six different little Acorn People, six different characters.

To make this even more fun we found some old magazine cut outs and place our acorns in their preferable surroundings :-). Watch our short film How to Make Little Acorn People here. Hope you will have as much enjoyment from making them as we did! :-)

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