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Magda Page

Mini Watermelon Friend Charlie

I love watermelons, my children are not that keen on them. They are usually massive and take ages and ages to eat. My life changed forever when I saw mini watermelon in my local Coop. It was perfect size! Not too small, not too big...just right! :-) . It was only £0.99 so I decided to take it home with me. I put it on a table and it felt like it was looking at me. Hold on a minute! We have some old plasticine in our art cupboard! Me and my daughter Anna made eyes, nose, mouth and our new friend was born. We gave our mini watermelon name Charlie. How should we dress him? Is he worm enough? What about if we dress him for different seasons? We talked about different seasons, what is happening and what kind of clothes we wear ( links to National Curriculum). We went through our wardrobe, picked some outfits and took photos. We created iMovie, using our own music from GarageBand app on my iphone. We also included sad Covid-19 season when our friend wears a face mask. This fun, educational and cheap activity only cost us £0.99. So when you feel lonely, there is always some mini watermelon somewhere waiting to be rescued....

Me and Anna with Charlie

You can watch our video here...hope you will enjoy it :-)

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